Giving is an active expression of our faith. It recognizes God as our True Provider and affirms our confidence in His ability to supply all we need. Our website is a safe place to give. Giving requires the highest standard of personal integrity and discipline. It is not a casual or occasional thing. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, the Bible teaches we are to give willingly, generously, and cheerfully. And our pattern should reflect a regular and systematic plan.
Ways To Give
Cash or checks can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning at our temporary location: 1900 West 41st Avenue, Gary, IN 46408
You can send a check or money order to: Galilee MB Church
P.O. Box 11312
Merrillville, IN 46411
Writing A Check
If you are writing a check, always complete an envelope with any donations made to the church. Make checks payable to: Galilee MB Church.
Why do we give?
God modeled generosity when He gave the world His Son (John 3:16). In obedience to Christ, we are compelled to become more like Him through our giving. As a result, we grow spiritually and reflect God’s generous nature in the world.
How much should we give?
“Tithing” is giving 10 percent of one’s gross income to the church. We teach cheerful tithing as a minimum standard to which Christians should aspire. If you can’t give 10 percent, we would encourage you to start giving any amount now and make tithing a goal.
The concept of tithing is taught in the Old Testament (Leviticus 27:30, Malachi 3:10). In the New Testament, the standard of giving is the cross of Jesus Christ. Scripture is clear that everything belongs to God, and we are simply stewards (Psalm 24:1). We should give joyfully and generously (II Corinthians 9:7). While free from the legality of percentages, we measure our giving by what Christ gave for us. Our generosity is in response to a debt we can never repay!